1 cash-and-carry warehouse
тж. cash and carry warehouse торг. склад "кеш-энд-керри", склад самообслуживающийся ( склад для отпуска товаров за наличный расчет без доставки)See:Англо-русский экономический словарь > cash-and-carry warehouse
2 cash and carry warehouse
торг. = cash-and-carry warehouseАнгло-русский экономический словарь > cash and carry warehouse
3 cash-and-carry warehouse
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > cash-and-carry warehouse
4 cash and carry warehouse
Экономика: магазин-складУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > cash and carry warehouse
5 cash-and-carry warehouse
Экономика: склад для отпуска товаров за наличный расчётУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > cash-and-carry warehouse
6 cash-and-carry warehouse
Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > cash-and-carry warehouse
7 cash and carry warehouse
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > cash and carry warehouse
8 cash and carry
тж. cash-and-carry1) торг. "кеш-энд-керри" ["плати и забирай"\] (форма мелкооптовой торговли, при которой покупатель посещает склад или магазин, оплачивает товар на месте и самостоятельно забирает его)cash-and-carry wholesaler — оптовик "кеш-энд-керри"
cash-and-carry retailer — розничный магазин "кеш-энд-керри"
cash-and-carry store — магазин "кеш-энд-керри"
cash-and-carry warehouse — склад "кеш-энд-керри"
See:cash-and-carry warehouse, cash-and-carry retailer, cash-and-carry wholesaler, credit and delivery, cash, carry2) бирж. "кеш-энд-керри", "купил и храни"* (операция, связанная с продажей фьючерсного контракта на поставку одновременно с покупкой соответствующего актива на спотовом рынке; выгодна, если спотовая цена соответствующего актива с учетом расходов на хранение, страхование и процентов по кредиту меньше, чем цена актива на фьючерсном рынке)See:
* * *
"наличные и уноси": 1) продажа за наличные без доставки товара на дом (США); продажа товаров мелкими партиями с оптового склада; 2) арбитраж между наличным и фьючерским рынками: покупка фьючерского контракта и одновременно наличного инструмента.* * ** * *. Одновременная покупка ценной бумаги и продажа срочного контракта. При этом баланс финансируется за счет займа или репо . Инвестиционная деятельность .* * *«плати и уноси»оптовый продавец, особенно продавец бакалейных товаров, который реализует свой товар розничным торговцам и другим коммерсантам со скидкой на условиях, что они покупают оптом, платят наличными и сами вывозят товар -
9 warehouse
1. сущ.сокр. whs, whse1) торг. (товарный) склад, пакгаузSyn:storeroom, stockroom, stock, depositary 2), depot, depot installation, warehouse, stock building, storage structure 1), storage facility 1), stores 2), stockhouse, storage 3), store 1), storehouseSee:automated warehouse, bonded warehouse, broker's warehouse, captive warehouse, cash and carry warehouse, chain warehouse, cold-storage warehouse, customs warehouse, distribution warehouse, free warehouse, private warehouse, public warehouse, railroad warehouse, refrigerated warehouse, showroom warehouse, wholesale warehouse, warehouse charge, warehouse receipt, warehouse retailer, warehouse showroom, warehouse store, warehouse supervisor, ex warehouse2) торг. мелко-оптовый магазин; оптовый магазин; магазин-складSyn:storehouse 4)See:2. гл.торг. помещать на склад; складировать, хранить на складеSyn:See:
* * *
noun склад: 1) помещение для хранения товаров; см. bonded warehouse; 2) портфель свопов: список свопов, который финансовое учреждение заключило или собирается заключить за свой счет или за счет клиентов. v хранить на складе, временно не продавать (напр., держать некоторые квартиры в доме незанятыми, чтобы получить налоговые льготы по амортизации неарендованной собственности или продать позднее по более высокой цене); см. warehousing.* * * -
10 warehouse
1. nбаза, склад; пакгауз; хранилище
- automated warehouse
- bonded warehouse
- cash and carry warehouse
- commodity warehouse
- consignee's warehouse
- consignment warehouse
- customs warehouse
- factory warehouse
- first-class
- locked warehouse
- overstocked warehouse
- perishable food warehouse
- port warehouse
- private warehouse
- privately-owned
- public warehouse
- queen's warehouse
- railroad warehouse
- railway warehouse
- regional warehouse
- refrigerated warehouse
- regular warehouse
- self-service wholesale warehouse
- shop warehouse
- show warehouse
- specialized warehouse
- station warehouse
- transit warehouse
- uptown warehouse
- wholesale warehouse
- warehouse of spare parts
- warehouse of unbonded goods
- ex warehouse
- deposit in a warehouse
- lodge in a warehouse
- place in a warehouse
- store in a warehouse
- withdraw from a warehouse2. vхранить на складе; складироватьEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > warehouse
11 warehouse
1) (товарный) склад; пакгауз || складировать; хранить на складе2) большой розничный магазин; оптовый магазин -
12 warehouse retailer
торг. розничный склад-магазин (торговое предприятие сниженных цен с ограниченным объемом услуг, цель которого — продажа больших объемов товаров по низким ценам, напр., торговый комплекс, продовольственный магазин сниженных цен, мебельный склад-магазин)Syn:See: -
13 sale
n1) продажа; сбыт2) торговля; торговая сделка3) продажа с аукциона, продажа с торгов
- account sales
- address sale
- advance sale
- annual sales
- anticipated sales
- assets sale
- auction sale
- autumn sale
- average sales
- back-to-school sale
- bargain sale
- bear sale
- blind sale
- block sale
- brisk sale
- bulk sale
- cash sale
- cash-and-carry sale
- cash on delivery sale
- cash-only sale
- catalogue sale
- charge-and-carry sale
- charge-and-delivery sale
- clearance sale
- clearing sale
- closing down sale
- commercial sale
- commission sale
- commodity sale
- competitive sales
- compulsory sale
- conditional sale
- consignment sale
- consumption sale
- credit sale
- cross sale
- cumulative sales
- daily sales
- day's sales
- deferred payment sale
- delayed sale
- direct sale
- discount sale
- distress sale
- domestic sales
- effective sale
- emergency sale
- end-of-season sale
- enforceable sale
- exchange sale
- exclusive sale
- execution sale
- executory sale
- expanding sales
- export sale
- faked sale
- firm sale
- first sale
- fixed sales
- fleet sales
- floor sale
- forced sale
- foreclosure sale
- foreign sale
- forward sale
- future sale
- going-out-of-business sale
- gross sales
- guaranteed sale
- hire-purchase sale
- illicit sale
- increased sales
- indirect sales
- individual sale
- installment sale
- intermediate sale
- jumble sale
- large volume sales
- liquidation sale
- loan sale
- mandatory sale
- mutual sales
- negotiated sale
- net sales
- off-the-floor sale
- opening sale
- order sales
- over-the-counter sale
- panic sale
- partial sale
- peak sales
- private sale
- proceeds sale
- projected sales
- prompt sale
- property sale
- public sale
- quick sale
- ready sale
- realization sale
- record sales
- remnant sale
- retail sale
- returned sales
- rummage sale
- seasonal sale
- security sales
- sheriff's sale
- short sale
- slow sale
- spot sale
- stocktaking sale
- street sale
- tax sale
- tied sale
- tie-in sale
- time sale
- total sales
- trade sale
- transportation sales
- tying-in sale
- underlying sales
- underreported sale
- under-the-counter sale
- volume sales
- voluntary sale
- wash sale
- white sale
- wholesale sale
- winding-up sale
- winter sale
- yearly sales
- sale at an auction
- sale at harvest time
- sale at a profit
- sale at reduced prices
- sale by auction
- sale by commission
- sale by description
- sale by lot
- sale by the piece
- sale by public outcry
- sale by sample
- sale by weight
- sale ex bond
- sale ex stand
- sale ex works
- sale for cash
- sale for forward delivery
- sale for future delivery
- sale for prompt delivery
- sale for the settlement
- sale from stock
- sale from a warehouse
- sale in market overt
- sale of engineering consultation services
- sale of equipment
- sale of exchange
- sale of exhibits off the floor
- sale of goods
- sale of an invention
- sale of a licence
- sale of a loan
- sale of a patent
- sale of a patent right
- sale of a pledge
- sale of securities
- sale of services
- sale of shares of a company
- sale of space
- sale of a stake
- sale on approval
- sale on arrival
- sale on commission
- sale on credit
- sale on an open account
- sale to arrive
- sale to final consumer
- sale with option of repurchase
- sale with reservation
- sale with reserve
- sale without reserve
- sale with rights of redemption
- sale and leaseback
- sale as is
- for sale
- not for sale
- of ready sale
- on sale
- out of sale
- subject to prior sale
- approve for sale
- be available for sale
- be dull of sale
- be on sale
- be slow of sale
- command a ready sale
- conclude a sale
- develop sales
- effect sales
- exhibit for sale
- expand sales
- expose for sale
- extend sales
- find no sales
- find a ready sale
- handle the sale
- have a dull sale
- have no sale
- have a ready sale
- increase sales
- keep for sale
- maintain sales
- make a sale
- meet with a good sale
- meet with a slow sale
- negotiate sales
- notify the sale by auction
- offer for sale
- promote sales
- put up for sale
- release for sale
- rescind a sale
- sell at a public sale
- specialize in the sale of smth
- stimulate sales
- suspend the sale
- undertake the sale -
14 wholesaler
сущ.оптовик, оптовый торговец [продавец\]а) торг. (крупное коммерческо-посредническое предприятие, реализующее товары другим перепродавцам, розничным торговцам или крупным промышленным и коммерческим учреждениям, а не конечным потребителям)Syn:dealer 3) б), dealer in gross, merchant wholesaler, wholesale distributor, wholesale trader, wholesale dealer, jobber 2) б), wholesale merchant, rewholesalerSee:affiliated wholesaler, cash and carry wholesaler, cash-and-carry wholesaler, district wholesaler, full service wholesaler, full-service wholesaler, full-line wholesaler, general merchandise wholesaler, general wholesaler, general-line wholesaler, import wholesaler, limited function wholesaler, limited service wholesaler, limited-function wholesaler, limited-service wholesaler, local wholesaler, merchant wholesaler, national wholesaler, regional wholesaler, rewholesaler, service wholesaler, short-line wholesaler, speciality wholesaler, truck wholesaler, warehouse 2)б) фин. (инвестиционный банкир, выступающий в роли андеррайтера нового выпуска ценных бумаг или участвующий в повторном распределении уже выпущенных бумаг)See:underwriter, issue 2) е)в) бирж. (брокер-дилер, торгующий ценными бумагами с другими брокерами-дилерами, а не с мелкими индивидуальными инвесторами)See:г) фин. (инвестиционная компания, реализующая акции созданных ею взаимных инвестиционных фондов)See:
* * *
оптовик, оптовый торговец: 1) инвестиционный банк, который выступает андеррайтером или дистрибьютором новых ценных бумаг; 2) банк, брокер, дилер, который имеет дело с другими институтами, а не розничными инвесторами; 3) спонсор взаимного инвестиционного фонда; см. sponsor; 4) оптовый торговец товарами, который осуществляет поставки для розничных торговцев, но сам не имеет дела с конечными потребителями.* * *Ценные бумаги/Биржевая деятельностьинвестиционный институт, распределяющий вновь выпускаемые ценные бумаги между другими инвестиционными институтами-----дистрибьютор, который про дает товары большими партия ми, как правило, другим дистри бьюторам-----дистрибьютор, который продает товары большими партиями, как правило, другим дистрибьюторам -
15 retailer
сущ.розничный торговец [продавец\]а) эк. (индивидуальный предприниматель или компания, продающая потребителям товары и услуги, предназначенные для личного пользования, последнее звено в каналах распределения, связывающих производителей и покупателей, основные функции розничного торговца: обеспечение ассортимента, дробление поступающих партий товаров, хранение запасов, обеспечение сервиса)Syn:See:cash-and-carry retailer, catalogue retailer, established retailer, full-service retailer, general merchandise retailer, independent retailer, limited-service retailer, low-cost retailer, one-shop retailer, retailer display, retailer promotion, retailer schemes, retailer tag, retailers' buying group, retailer's service program, self-selection retailer, self-service retailer, single-line retailer, specialty retailer, symbol retailer, warehouse retailer, retailing, retailing unit, wholesaler, off-price retailerб) фин. (инвестиционный институт, реализующий ценные бумаги среди индивидуальных покупателей или оказывающий другие финансовые услуги клиентам-физическим лицам)See:
* * *
розничный торговец, владелец или менеджер магазина.* * *дистрибьютор, реализующий товары или услуги непосредственно потребителям-----дистрибьютор, реализующий товары или услуги непосредственно потребителям -
16 risk
1. сущ.1) общ. риск, опасность (как ситуация, которая может привести к материальным убыткам или другим нежелательным последствиям)fire risk — риск пожара [возгорания\]; пожароопасность
risk to smb./smth. — риск для кого-л./чего-л.
at risk to smb./smth. — с риском для кого-л./для чего-л.
minimization of risk, risk minimization — минимизация риска
to mitigate risks — смягчать [ослаблять\] риски
avoidance of risk, risk avoidance — избежание риска
to limit the risk of (smth.) — ограничивать риск (чего-л.)
limited risk — ограниченный (какой-л. риск)
to increase the risk of (smth.) — увеличивать риск (чего-л.)
to run a [the\] risk, to run risks — рисковать
to put smb./smth. at risk — подвергать риску кого-л./что-л.
to incur a risk — подвергаться риску, рисковать
to face a risk — сталкиваться с риском, подвергаться риску
to take [to undertake\] a risk, to take [undertake\] risks — рисковать, идти на риск; брать [принимать\] на себя риск
to assume a risk — брать [принимать\] на себя риск
assumption of risk, risk assumption — принятие риска
to reject [to decline\] a risk — отказаться от риска, отказаться принять риск
to carry [to bear\] a risk — а) нести риск; подвергаться риску; б) нести риск, быть источником риска
Floodwaters can carry the risk of typhoid or other dangerous diseases. — Наводнение может нести риск распространения тифа или других опасных заболеваний.
All funds carry the risk of losing money — some more than others. — Все фонды рискуют потерять деньги — некоторые в большей степени, чем другие.
to underwrite risks — страховать риски, принимать риски на страхование
underwriting of risks, risk underwriting — андеррайтинг рисков
calculation of risk, risk calculation — расчет риска
to evaluate [to estimate\] risk — оценивать риск
risk evaluation [valuation\], evaluation [valuation\] of risk — оценка риска
to identify risk — идентифицировать [распознавать\] риск
to prioritize risks — приоритезировать риски, ранжировать риски по приоритету
to measure risk — измерять [оценивать\] риск
risk model, model of risk — модель риска
risk modelling, modelling of risk — моделирование риска
risk coverage, coverage of risk — покрытие риска
distribution of risk, risk distribution — распределение риска
to entail risk — быть связанным с риском, влечь за собой риск
Bonds also entail the risk of default, or the risk that an issuer will be unable to make income or principal payments. — Облигации также связаны с риском неплатежа, или риском, что эмитент будет неспособен выплачивать доходы по облигациям или погашать основную сумму облигаций.
risk disclosure, disclosure of risk — раскрытие информации о риске
to transfer risks — перекладывать [передавать\] риски
risk retention, retention of risk — удержание риска
risk sharing, sharing of risk — разделение риска
diversification of risk, risk diversification — диверсификация риска
admissible [allowed\] risk — допустимый риск
maximum [maximal\] risk — максимальный риск
minimal [minimum\] risk — минимальный риск
negligible risk — пренебрежимо малый риск, незначительный риск
degree of risk, risk degree — степень риска
level of risk, risk level — уровень риска
element of risk, risk element — элемент риска
source of risk, risk source — источник риска
It's not worth the risk. — Это не стоит риска.
See:accounting risk, amount at risk, at risk, at risk rules, basis risk, bond-yield-plus-risk-premium approach, Business Environment Risk Information Index, business risk, buyer's risk, call risk, capital risk, cash flow risk, collection risk, commercial credit risk, concentration risk, country risk, credit risk, currency risk, default risk, delivery risk, earnings-at-risk, event risk, exchange risk, exchange rate risk, export risk, financial credit risk, financial risk, high-risk automobile insurer, high-risk product, inflation risk, interest rate risk, investment risk, legal risk, liability risk, liquidity risk, margin risk, market risk, maturity risk, prepayment risk, price of risk, price risk, producer's risk, property risk, pure risk, regulatory risk, reinvestment rate risk, reinvestment risk, return on risk-adjusted capital, seasonal risk, settlement risk, speculative risk, stand-alone risk, systematic risk, transaction risk, underwriting risk, unlimited risk, unsystematic risk, value-at-risk, vega risk, yield curve risk, risk analysis, risk analyst, risk arbitrage, risk-averse, risk aversion, risk capital, risk investment, risk lover, risk management, risk manager, risk measure, risk-neutral, risk premium, price of risk, risk response planning, risk transfer, risk/return indifference curve, risk/return trade-off, risk-adjusted discount rate, risk-adjusted rate of return, risk-adjusted return, risk-adjusted return on capital, risk-adjusted return on risk-adjusted capital, risk-averse investor, risk-free, risk-free rate, risk-free return, riskless arbitrage, riskless transaction, risk-neutral investor, risk-seeking investor, risk-weighted assets2) общ. риск (как количественная мера вероятности наступления какого-л. неблагоприятного события)See:3) общ. объект риска ( о человеке или предмете)security risk — риск для безопасности, угроза безопасности (о человеке, объекте, действии или состоянии); неблагонадежный человек
See:4)а) страх. риск (событие, в отношении которого заключается договор страхования)Syn:See:insurable risk, covered risk, insured event, all risk insurance, builders risk insurance, war risk insurance, risk retention groupб) страх. застрахованное лицо; застрахованная вещь; риск (лицо или вещь, которые могут пострадать в результате какого-л. события и в отношении которых заключается договор страхования)See:assigned risk plan, preferred risk, standard risk, substandard risk, hard-to-place risk, highly protected risk5) мет. риск (ситуация, когда результат какого-л. экономического выбора имеет случайный характер, но при этом известно вероятностное распределение значений этого результата)See:2. гл.общ. рисковать (чем-л.)to risk one's life [one's health\] — рисковать жизнью [здоровьем\]
* * *
риск: вероятность понести убытки или упустить выгоду (вероятность наступления неблагоприятного события); количественно измеряемая неуверенность в получении соответствующего дохода или убытка; существует множество классификаций рисков: 1) капитальный риск - риск того, что невозврат кредитов ухудшит состояние капитала банка и ему придется выпускать новые акции; 2) кредитный риск, или риск погашения, - риск невозврата кредита, непогашения обязательства; 3) риск поставки - риск непоставки финансового инструмента (иностранной валюты); 4) валютный риск - риск потерь из-за изменения валютного курса; 5) процентный риск - риск уменьшения дохода по активу и роста расходов по обязательству из-за изменения процентных ставок; также риск уменьшения цены облигации с фиксированной ставкой в результате роста рыночных ставок; 6) риск ликвидности - риск нехватки наличности и краткосрочных активов для выполнения обязательств, невозможности быстро купить или продать товар или финансовый инструмент; 7) операционный риск - риск того, что будет нарушена работа операционных систем банка и он не сможет вовремя выполнять обязательства; 8) политический риск - риск того, что политическая нестабильность в стране приведет к невыполнению обязательств по кредитам (если государственных крдитов - "суверенный" риск); также риск национализации и др. неблаго-приятных действий властей; 9) риск платежной системы (системный риск) - риск того, что банкротство или неспособность крупного банка функционировать вызовет цепную реакцию в банковской системе; 10) актуарный риск - риск (вероятность) наступления неблагоприятного события, которое страховая компания покрывает в обмен на стразовую премию; 11) инфляционный риск - риск снижения стоимости активов или доходов в результате общего роста цен в стране; 12) инвентарный риск - риск обесценения запасов компании в результате снижения цен, морального старения товара; 13) риск основной суммы - риск обесценения основной суммы инвестиций; 14) риск андеррайтинга - риск - принимаемый на себя андеррайтером в случае неразмещения новых бумаг среди инвесторов; также риск падения рыночной цены в момент размещения; см. absorbable/ actuarial /basis /capital /commercial /concentration /contagion /country /credit /del credere /delivery /exchange /financial /inflation /insurable /interest rate /inventory /investment risk /limited /liquidity /manufacturing /market /market liquidity /operational /payments system /political /price /pure /refinance /reinvestment /repayment /settlement /sovereign /standard /systematic /systemic /transaction /translation /transfer /underwriting /uninsurable /unlimited /unsystematic /warehouse risk and risk of principal.* * *риск; клиент (страх.). измеримая вероятность потери; . exposure to uncertainty Глоссарий финансовых и биржевых терминов .* * *Финансы/Кредит/Валюта -
17 order
1. n1) порядок, последовательность2) исправность, хорошее состояние4) приказ, распоряжение; предписание5) ордер; разрешение6) заказ; требование (заявка)
- additional order
- adjudication order
- administration order
- administrative order
- advance order
- advertising order
- all-or-none order
- alternative order
- back order
- backlog order
- banker's order
- banker's standing order
- bank money order
- bank payment order
- big order
- blanket order
- board order
- buy order
- buying order
- cable order
- cash order
- cease-and-desist order
- chartering order
- circular order
- collection order
- collective order
- combination order
- company order
- company work orders
- completed collection order
- conditional order
- confiscation order
- construction order
- contingent order
- covering order
- credit order
- cyclic order
- day order
- delivery order
- departmental order
- depositor's order
- disclosure order
- discretionary order
- dispatch order
- economic order
- either-or order
- established order
- export order
- express order
- express money order
- factory order
- fill-or-kill order
- firm order
- follow-up orders
- foreign order
- forwarding order
- formal order
- fresh order
- garnishee order
- general order
- global economic order
- good this month order
- good till cancelled order
- good working order
- government order
- heavy order
- import order
- incoming orders
- individual order
- initial order
- insolvency order
- interim order
- international money order
- job order
- large order
- limit order
- limit price order
- loading order
- mail order
- market order
- market-if-touched order
- market-on-close order
- matched orders
- minimum order
- money order
- month order
- mortgage registry order
- negotiable order of withdrawals
- new orders
- New International Economic Order
- no-limit order
- nonrepeat order
- nontransferable order
- normal order
- numerical order
- odd-lot order
- off-floor order
- official order
- offshore orders
- omnibus order
- on-floor order
- open order
- original order
- outstanding order
- payment order
- perpetual order
- pilot order
- placed order
- positive orders
- postal order
- postal money order
- preliminary order
- pressing order
- priority order
- production order
- proforma order
- publicity order
- purchase order
- purchasing order
- rated order
- repair order
- receiving order
- regular order
- remittance order
- repair order
- replenishment order
- repeat order
- resting order
- reverse order
- revocable order
- round-lot order
- rush order
- sample order
- sampling order
- scale order
- schedule order
- second order
- selling order
- sell-stop order
- sequence order
- service order
- shipping order
- shop order
- single order
- single-component order
- special order
- split order
- spread order
- standard order
- standing order
- state order
- stock order
- stock exchange order
- stop order
- stop limit order
- stop loss order
- stop payment order
- strict order
- substantial order
- supplementary order
- supporting order
- suspended market order
- swap order
- tall order
- tentative order
- time order
- transfer order
- transhipment delivery order
- transportation order
- trial order
- unfilled order
- unfulfilled order
- unlimited order
- urgent order
- valuable order
- vesting order
- warehouse order
- warehouse-keeper's order
- week order
- withdrawal order
- work order
- working order
- written order
- order for account
- order for collection
- order for designing
- order for development
- order for equipment
- order for goods
- order for payment
- order for remittance
- order for sample
- order for samples
- order for settlement
- order for transfer
- order for work
- order from abroad
- order of appeal
- order of attachment
- order of consideration
- order of the court
- order of day
- order of distribution
- order of events
- order of examination
- order of payments
- order of priority
- order of proceedings
- order of registration
- order of succession
- order of transfer
- order of utilization of funds
- order of work
- order on a competition basis
- orders on hand
- order on sample
- order to buy
- order to deliver
- order to pay
- order to purchase
- order to sell
- according to order
- against order
- by order
- in order
- in order of priority
- in chronological order
- in consecutive order
- in good order and condition
- in running order
- in short order
- in the inverse order
- in working order
- in order of priority
- of the order of
- on order
- out of order
- order
- order of the buyer
- order of the seller
- own order
- under order
- until further orders
- with order
- made to order
- accept an order
- acknowledge an order
- alter an order
- attend to an order
- award an order
- be in order
- book an order
- call off an order
- cancel an order
- carry out an order
- collect orders
- complete an order
- confirm an order
- countermand an order
- discharge an order
- dispatch an order
- draw up an order
- establish order
- execute an order
- file an order
- fill an order
- fulfil an order
- get an order
- give an order
- handle large orders
- have an order
- have smth on order
- honour with an order
- issue an order
- keep order
- lag behind incoming orders
- lose an order
- maintain order
- maintain in good order
- make out an order
- make to order
- meet orders
- observe the established order
- obtain an order
- pass on an order
- pay by banker's order
- pay for an order
- pay to the order of
- place an order
- place orders electronically
- pool orders
- procure an order
- put in order
- receive an order
- reconsider an order
- relay an order
- renew an order
- repeat an order
- revise an order
- revoke an order
- rush an order
- secure an order
- send an order
- solicit orders
- stick to the order
- subcontract an order
- suspend an order
- take an order
- transmit an order
- withdraw an order2. v1) приказывать; распоряжаться2) заказывать -
18 price
1. n1) цена
- acceptable price
- accounting price
- accurate price
- acquisition price
- actual price
- adjustable prices
- adjusted price
- administered price
- advanced price
- advertized price
- after price
- after hours price
- agreed price
- agreed-upon price
- aggregate price
- agricultural product prices
- all-in price
- all-round price
- American Selling Price
- anticipated price
- applicable price
- approximate price
- arm's length price
- asked price
- asking price
- attractive price
- average price
- bargain price
- base price
- basic price
- basic point price
- basis price
- bedrock price
- benchmmark price
- best price
- best-performing share prices
- bid price
- black market price
- blanket price
- bona fide selling price
- bond price
- book price
- boom price
- bottom price
- B-share prices
- budget price
- buy-back price
- buyers' price
- buying price
- calculative price
- call price
- carry-over price
- cash price
- catalogue price
- ceiling price
- cheap price
- clearing price
- close prices
- closing price
- closing share price
- coming out price
- commodity price
- common price
- comparable prices
- comparative prices
- competitive price
- competitor's price
- constant price
- consumer prices
- contracted price
- cost price
- cutthroat price
- daily settlement price
- dealer price
- decontrolled prices
- delivered price
- demand price
- derived target price
- determined price
- differential prices
- dirt cheap price
- disbursing price
- discounted price
- distress price
- domestic price
- dropping prices
- dual price
- entry-preventing price
- equation price
- equilibrium price
- equitable price
- equity price
- escalating prices
- escalation prices
- escalator prices
- established price
- estimated price
- estimated total price
- euro price
- exact price
- exceptional price
- excessive price
- exchange price
- exclusive price
- exercise price
- exhaust price
- existing price
- exorbitant price
- external prices
- extra price
- factor price
- factory price
- factory gate price
- factory list price
- fair price
- falling prices
- fancy price
- farm prices
- farm commodity prices
- farm produce prices
- favourable price
- final price
- firm price
- first price
- fixed price
- flat price
- flexible prices
- floor price
- fluctuating price
- foreign price
- forward price
- free market price
- full-cost price
- gilt prices
- global price
- going price
- going market price
- gross price
- grower's price
- guaranteed price
- guideline price
- guiding price
- half price
- hard prices
- heavy price
- high price
- highest price
- hire price
- hire purchase price
- home price
- home market price
- House price
- huge price
- identical price
- implicit price
- import price
- inbound price
- increased price
- individual price
- individual price of production
- individual cost price
- inflated prices
- initial price
- inside price
- internal price
- intervention price
- invoiced price
- irregular prices
- issue price
- item price
- itemized price
- job prices
- just price
- keen price
- kerb prices
- knockdown price
- knockout price
- laid-down price
- land price
- landed price
- last price
- leading price
- limit price
- limited price
- listed price
- live market price
- livestock price
- loaded price
- local price
- local market price
- loco price
- low price
- lowest price
- lump-sum price
- making-up price
- manufacturer's price
- manufacturing price
- marginal price
- markdown price
- marked price
- market price
- market-determined price
- marrying price
- maximum price
- mean price
- median price
- median home prices
- medium price
- mercantile price
- middle price
- minimum price
- moderate price
- monopoly price
- national price
- natural price
- negotiable price
- negotiated price
- net price
- new prices
- nominal price
- nonflexible price
- normal price
- normalized price
- notional price
- offered price
- offering price
- offer of issue price
- official price
- open price
- opening price
- option price
- option price of shares
- original price
- output price
- outside price
- overestimated price
- overhead price
- package price
- packing price
- parity price
- peak price
- pegged price
- piece price
- popular prices
- posted price
- preferential price
- pre-increase price
- preliminary price
- premium price
- present price
- prevailing prices
- probate price
- procurement price
- producer's price
- prohibitive price
- public offering price
- published price
- purchase price
- purchasing price
- put price
- put-and-call price
- quantity price
- quoted price
- raw material price
- real price
- realization price
- reasonable price
- receding prices
- receiving price
- recent prices
- recommended price
- redemption price
- reduced price
- reference price
- regular price
- relative prices
- remunerative price
- rent price
- replacement price
- resale price
- reservation price
- reserve price
- reserved price
- retail price
- revised price
- rising prices
- rock-bottom price
- ruinous price
- ruling price
- sale price
- seasonal price
- sagging price
- saleable price
- secondhand price
- security price
- sellers' price
- selling price
- sensitive prices
- set price
- setting price
- settlement price
- shadow price
- share price
- sinking price
- skyrocketing price
- sliding price
- sliding-scale price
- sluice gate price
- soaring price
- special price
- specific price
- split prices
- spot price
- stable price
- standard price
- standard list price
- standard unit price
- starting price
- state price
- stated price
- state-set price
- stationary price
- steady prices
- sticker price
- stiff price
- stipulated price
- stock price
- stock exchange price
- stopout price
- store prices
- street price
- strictly net price
- strike price
- striking price
- strong price
- subscription price
- suggested price
- supply price
- support price
- surging share prices
- tape prices
- target price
- target asset price
- tariff price
- tax-inclusive prices
- tender price
- threshold price
- top price
- total price
- trade price
- trading price
- transaction price
- transfer price
- trigger price
- two-tier price
- typical price
- uncontrollable prices
- underestimated price
- underselling price
- uniform price
- unit price
- unrealistic price
- unreasonable price
- unsettled price
- unstable price
- upset price
- variable prices
- wholesale price
- wide prices
- world bond price
- world market price
- zone price
- price after hours
- price at the current exchange rate
- price ex store
- price ex warehouse
- price for the account
- price for cash
- price for a quantity unit
- price for the settlement
- price in foreign currency
- price in gold
- prices in the open market
- price in a price list
- price in the quotation
- prices in the region of %
- price of call
- price of currency
- price of day
- price of delivery
- prices of farm products
- price of freight
- price of gold
- prices of industrial goods
- price of labour power
- price of land
- price of money
- price of option
- price of production
- price of services
- prices on the quotation
- prices on the world market
- price per metric ton
- price per piece
- price per set
- price per unit
- at the price
- at bargain prices
- at a firesale price
- at a high price
- at a low price
- at all prices
- in comparable prices
- price current
- price excluding
- price exclusive
- price less discount
- price plus markup
- price subject to change without notice
- price subject to final confirmation
- accept a price
- adjust prices
- advance a price
- advance in price
- alter a price
- amend a price
- arrive at a price
- ask the price
- ask for the price
- bargain over a price
- base a price
- beat down prices
- bolster the price of crude oil
- boost prices
- break down prices
- bring the price back down to earth
- bring prices in line with the cost
- bring the average price
- bring down prices
- bring low prices
- buoy prices
- calculate prices
- change a price
- charge a price
- command a high price
- control prices
- correct a price
- cut prices
- decrease prices
- deduct from a price
- depress prices
- deregulate prices
- determine a price
- differ in prices
- drop in price
- enjoy high prices
- establish a price
- estimate a price
- exceed a price
- fall in price
- fetch a high price
- finalize a price
- fix a price
- force down prices
- force up prices
- freeze prices
- fuel prices
- give a firm price
- go down in price
- go up in price
- guarantee a price
- hold in price
- hold out for a higher price
- hold up prices
- increase prices
- increase in price
- keep prices down
- keep prices up
- kick against high prices
- level prices down
- level prices up
- lift prices
- lift prices from their low
- list prices
- maintain prices
- make a price
- manipulate stock prices
- mark a price
- mark down the price
- match the price
- meet the price
- modify a price
- negotiate a price
- offer a price
- outbid the prices
- pay the price
- prop up prices
- push up prices
- publish prices
- put down prices
- put downward pressure on prices
- put up prices
- quote a price
- raise prices
- ramp up share prices
- realize a price
- recalculate prices
- recover the price
- reduce prices
- refund the price
- revise prices downwards
- revise prices upwards
- rise in price
- retrieve the price
- scale down prices
- save on prices
- sell at a high price
- sell below price
- sell under price
- send prices up
- set a price
- settle a price
- shore up prices
- show prices in dollars
- squeeze prices down
- stabilize prices
- suggest a price
- support prices
- take off the price
- tender a price
- trigger prices
- undercut prices2. vназначать цену; оценивать
- reasonably priced
См. также в других словарях:
cash and carry — An arbitrage transaction involving the simultaneous purchase of a cash commodity with borrowed money and the sale of the appropriate futures contract. Exchange Handbook Glossary * * * cash and carry ˌcash and ˈcarry noun cash and carrys… … Financial and business terms
Cash and carry — Purchase of a security and simultaneous sale of a future, with the balance being financed with a loan or repo. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * cash and carry ˌcash and ˈcarry noun cash and carrys PLURALFORM [countable] COMMERCE a very … Financial and business terms
Cash and carry (wholesale) — Cash and carry wholesale represents a type of operation within the wholesale sector. Its main features are summarized best by the following definitions:*Cash and carry is a form of trade in which goods are sold from a wholesale warehouse operated … Wikipedia
Cash-and-Carry — Der Abholgroßmarkt bzw. Cash and Carry Markt, auch als Cash and Carry Großhandel (Großhandel im institutionellen Sinne) oder Selbstbedienungsgroßhandel bezeichnet, ist eine Betriebsform des Großhandels. Er bietet nach dem Prinzip der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cash-and-Carry-Markt — Der Abholgroßmarkt bzw. Cash and Carry Markt, auch als Cash and Carry Großhandel (Großhandel im institutionellen Sinne) oder Selbstbedienungsgroßhandel bezeichnet, ist eine Betriebsform des Großhandels. Er bietet nach dem Prinzip der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cash-and-carry-Markt — Der Abholgroßmarkt bzw. Cash and Carry Markt, auch als Cash and Carry Großhandel (Großhandel im institutionellen Sinne) oder Selbstbedienungsgroßhandel bezeichnet, ist eine Betriebsform des Großhandels. Er bietet nach dem Prinzip der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
warehouse club — ˈwarehouse ˌclub noun [countable] COMMERCE a group of very large shops selling many different kinds of goods cheaply: • Consumers continue to favor discount stores and warehouse clubs over pricey department stores. * * * warehouse club UK US noun … Financial and business terms
Cash & Carry — Der Abholgroßmarkt bzw. Cash and Carry Markt, auch als Cash and Carry Großhandel (Großhandel im institutionellen Sinne) oder Selbstbedienungsgroßhandel bezeichnet, ist eine Betriebsform des Großhandels. Er bietet nach dem Prinzip der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cash & Carry Markt — Der Abholgroßmarkt bzw. Cash and Carry Markt, auch als Cash and Carry Großhandel (Großhandel im institutionellen Sinne) oder Selbstbedienungsgroßhandel bezeichnet, ist eine Betriebsform des Großhandels. Er bietet nach dem Prinzip der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Warehouse Club — Großflächen Discount Konzept, das Elemente des Groß bzw. Einzelhandels mit exklusiver Clubmitgliedschaft verbindet. In lagerhallenartigen Märkten an Stadtrandlagen werden vornehmlich Non Food Artikel direkt aus Kartons oder von der Palette… … Lexikon der Economics
Cash & Carry — Infobox Company company name = Cash Carry Smart Foodservice company company type = Subsidiary of Smart Final company slogan = foundation = 1871 location = Los Angeles, California key people = num employees = industry = Wholesale and Retail… … Wikipedia